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Showing posts from 2012

Also seen wearing Chaddis

Shoe size chart

Excel Macro – Copy Sheets to Another File

Can use this Macro to copy data in multiple sheets into a unified single sheet in another excel file. Open the source file. Open a blank workbook and save it with some name eg: ‘target’. Keep both source and target files open. In the macro, replace ‘source’ with name of source file. Replace ‘target’ with name of the blank file. Sub CopyLoop()         Dim Ws As Worksheet         Dim i As Integer         Dim K As Integer         i = 2  ‘ first row of copyselection         ' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.         Windows("source").Activate         For Each Ws In Worksheets         K = K + 1          Ws .Range("A2:AL116").Copy         Windows("target").Activate         Cells(i, 2).Select         ActiveSheet.Paste         Range(Cells(i, 1),Cells(i+116,1)) = Ws .Name         Windows("source").Activate         i = i + 116  ‘last row of copy selection       '  If K &g GridView CheckBox

Ancient piece of code that I keep forgetting. <asp:GridView ID="grdR" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"             DataKeyNames="Id" style="margin-left: 6px; font-size: x-small;" Font-Size="Small">             <Columns>                 <asp:TemplateField>                     <ItemTemplate>                         <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />                     </ItemTemplate>                 </asp:TemplateField>                 <asp:CommandField SelectText="Edit" ShowSelectButton="True" />                 <asp:BoundField DataField="Length" HeaderText="Length" />                 <asp:BoundField DataField="Breadth" HeaderText="Breadth" />             </Columns>             <EmptyDataTemplate>                 &a

Siemens Washing Machine : Kill the Buzzer

The washing machine we have has the habit of sending out an irritating beep after it finishes the wash cycle. Ok enough; but these intermittent beeps go on and on and on till it is sure everyone came back home after your attending your funeral. One awful engineer who programmed the chip. Anyway, been looking around the net if there is a work around. Found this written by some Russian. I didn’t have patience to correct the grammar entirely. If the below does  not work, there is always the option of an Axe and ‘hey Siemens,..Heeeere is Johnyyy!) -- text You can change the volume of the buzzer according to your requirement. The operation procedure: 1. Switch on the machine,turn the program selector to Off . 2. Turn the program selector to cold Easy-care , press the additional function button Intensive stains and dont let go. You can hear the volume of the buzzer from minimum to maximum to off cycled (I didnt hear this!). If you decide the volume that you wa