This functionality is missing in the GridView control.
There are various ways to go about it. I thought I will do it without Ajax or other overheads.
The following code takes in a Datatable as input and returns the grouped Datatable as output.
Make the output datatable the source of any gridview!
The parameters allow multi column grouping and sorting
Public Shared Function GroupDataTable(ByVal T1 As DataTable, ByVal GroupByColumns As String(), _
Optional ByVal SortOrder As Boolean() = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal SumColumns As String() = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal HeaderCell As Integer = 0 _
) As DataTable
Dim T2 As New DataTable
Dim sortStr As String = ""
Dim i, j, N, T, m As Integer
Dim dR1 As DataRow
Dim drSum As DataRow
Dim xS As Double
Dim dView As DataView = T1.DefaultView
For i = 0 To GroupByColumns.Length - 1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortStr) Then
sortStr = GroupByColumns(i)
sortStr = sortStr & ", " & GroupByColumns(i)
End If
If Not IsNothing(SortOrder) Then
If SortOrder.Length > i Then
If SortOrder(i) = False Then
sortStr = sortStr & " " & "DESC"
End If
End If
End If
dView.Sort = sortStr
T2 = dView.ToTable
' Sorting Done
Dim Gr1 As String = ""
Dim Gr2 As String
T = T2.Rows.Count
drSum = T2.NewRow
For j = 0 To T - 1
m = m + 1
Gr2 = T2.Rows(j + N)(GroupByColumns(0))
For i = 1 To GroupByColumns.Length - 1
Gr2 = Gr2 & ">" & T2.Rows(j + N)(GroupByColumns(i))
If Gr2 <> Gr1 Then 'Group changes
'Header row
Gr1 = Gr2
dR1 = T2.NewRow
dR1(HeaderCell) = Gr1
T2.Rows.InsertAt(dR1, j + N)
N = N + 1
'Summary row
If Not IsNothing(SumColumns) And j > 0 Then
drSum(HeaderCell) = "Rows: " & (m - 1)
T2.Rows.InsertAt(drSum, j + N - 1)
N = N + 1
drSum = T2.NewRow
xS = 0
m = 1
End If
End If
'create summary rows
If Not IsNothing(SumColumns) Then
For i = 1 To SumColumns.Length
If Not IsDBNull(drSum(SumColumns(i - 1))) Then xS = drSum(SumColumns(i - 1))
If Not IsDBNull(T2.Rows(j + N)(SumColumns(i - 1))) Then xS = xS + T2.Rows(j + N)(SumColumns(i - 1))
drSum(SumColumns(i - 1)) = xS
End If
'Last summary row
If Not IsNothing(SumColumns) Then
drSum(HeaderCell) = "Rows: " & m
End If
'Row increment done
T2 = T2.Copy
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return T2
End Function
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